Our Services

Our mission is to improve overall business efficiencies by engaging people and aligning systems into processes that deliver a continuous stream of value to clients while eliminating waste and deficiencies in the process. Our clients achieve real-time results while learning during the process and ultimately can become pioneers of change in their respective industries.


Reinvent Your Decision-making Process with “Who is Your Sounding Board?”

Benefit from our expert insights and achieve your goals faster. Discover the ultimate solution to your decision-making needs! BBOpEx Solutions offers a personalized sounding board solution for leaders to navigate the common pitfalls when making critical decisions. Having us by your side can lead to faster decision-making, deeper insights, enhanced creativity, and increased confidence. The solution is customizable and tailored to meet unique needs and comes with comprehensive service with experienced professionals.

The sounding board solution helps leaders make informed decisions and achieve their business goals, unlocking their organization’s full potential.


Faster decision-making

Having us by your side enables you to get the perspective you need to make faster and more informed decisions. You can bounce ideas off someone else and get feedback in real-time

Deeper insights

We provide you with a fresh perspective on challenges that you may be too close to see. A different viewpoint can lead to deeper insights that can help you make better decisions

Enhanced creativity

We help you think outside the box, challenging you to think and act differently to achieve your business goals. With new perspectives, you may discover opportunities you had not previously considered

Increased confidence

Collaborating with a sounding board can help you build confidence in your decision-making abilities. Knowing that you have an expert to bounce ideas off can make decision-making feel less risky and overwhelming

What Others Have To Say

“Dear Glenda


On behalf of the Director Food and Drug Services, Pharm M.O. Lawal and the the Director (Logistics) NPHCDA Mrs Kubura Daradara;

I wish to thank you for your passionate support to Nigeria’s supply chain Management.

We encourage you to support us to effectively adapt the ASCM resources for large scale up – with savings in time and cost without loss of substance.

Thank you”

Pharm Linus Odoemene

Supply Chain Strategist

Catalytic Projects led by BBOpEx Solutions 2018 to 2022

Definition of Catalytic Project Management

Catalytic IMPACT project management approach represents a fresh and innovative way of delivering projects with maximum impact. It is empirical and collaborative, flexible and agile, deeply focused on impact, and committed to sustainability. By leveraging the power of Catalytic IMPACT project management, organizations can deliver successful projects that deliver meaningful change, engage stakeholders, and advance social and environmental causes.

ASCM Public Health Initiative – Africa

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded ASCM a grant to help build sustainable supply chain professional capability in Senegal, Nigeria and Kenya.

• The key objectives are to increase institutional knowledge, technical capability-building efforts and continuously improve the supply chain maturity model by 2020.

• Additionally, country-based projects will be supported, improving last mile product availability in public health facilities from 2018 through 2020.

ASCM Africa Global Health Supply Chain Initiative

Building sustainable supply chain communities to strengthen strategic capabilities within Ministries of Health. Develop formal training and certifications, as well as transformational learning, global standards, and program-specific mentoring/knowledge transfer to build strategic capabilities among MOH staff. Utilizes GHSC Maturity model to increase public health supply chain maturity.

Essential Supply Chain Management Skills Program with DREAMS SA

ASCM & BBOPEx partnered with PEPFAR and DREAMS organizations to deliver an ESCMS program for AGYW participants with aims of providing knowledge/skills for economic independence. Objectives are successful placement with potential employers, connecting students to International content, and building sustained capacity of local trainers/mentors through IDP.

What Others Have To Say

“Glenda developed a robust team in each of the countries that have consistently exceeded expectations for the Ministries of Health and the funding organizations. “

Abe Eshkenazi, CSCP, CPA, CAE


“Without hesitation I recommend Glenda as a leader, her business as an outstanding example of entrepreneurship – both focused on effective advisory, capability development and supply chain optimization.”

Peter Bolstorff, SCOR-P, CSCP

ASCM Executive VP for Corporate Development

“Thank you and we truly appreciate the role you played and the impact you made to the programme offerings and the clarity brought to the entrepreneurs in working on their Business growth strategy.”

Puseletso Modimogale

Manager : Enterprise Development Programme

“Throughout the project, I was impressed with Glenda’s commitment to ensuring overall project delivery as her main focus and driver. When unforeseen problems surfaced, as they do, Glenda worked diligently with the collective team or individual members to identify a solution that was acceptable to achieving the desired project outcomes.”

Stan Shaw

Director: Kimmeridge Group

SMME Development & Growth Program.

Experience Results-Driven Success with Operational Excellence (OpEx)

Superior performance and long-term success with Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence is a mindset and practice that focuses on continuous improvement, efficiency, and quality within an organization. It involves the integration of processes, people, and technology to deliver exceptional products and services while minimizing waste and maximizing value. By fostering a culture of innovation and accountability, organizations can achieve superior performance and sustain long-term success.

BBOpEx Solutions view Operational Excellence as a critical business philosophy that focuses on continuous improvement. Our model is designed to integrate four key areas, including Strategy Development, Performance Management, Process Excellence, and High-Performance Work Teams and offers comprehensive solutions for operational excellence.

What Others Have To Say

“Wynn’s appointed BBOpEx, owned and led by Glenda Maitin to undertake a Supply Chain Value Analysis on some of Wynn’s small and medium enterprise suppliers. The scope included business risk assessment, coaching and implementing business process efficiencies across the tiers of our suppliers, providing custom made solutions to each supplier.

The process enabled Wynn’s to have a transparent view of potential risks and work collectively with suppliers to close gaps. Benefits resulting from this process include supply consistency and more competitive pricing.

Glenda and her team fulfilled the project with incredible professionalism and relatable, tangible results on all levels within the organisation and the SME’s that benefitted from the project.
Should future opportunities arise, we will work with Glenda again.”

Paul van Zyl

Country Manager

“Thanks for your time with us in the training session. It was very educational and so much of inspiring growth within the logistic department. You have motivated me on how to be a team leader and that I had a big role to play within the company.

I am working hard to improve in each and every angle that will make this company going forward. As the leader of the department I have a lot that need to be improved within the company and outside where we contact our deliveries.

We are also looking from your side that you will keep our department the best and on top of the global networks.
On behalf of my team we thank so much.”

Michael Kuleti

Warehouse & Logistics Operator

“The key factor for choosing to work with you and your company is because of your hands on expertise in the areas of continuous improvement, capability development and overall expertise on end to end supply chain advisory and process improvement. We were also delighted when you went out of your way to accommodate minor changes to the scope. This required additional time to the project and you assisted us without any complains or additional charges.”

Zakithi Khumalo

Manager : Logistics & Distribution

“Glenda was flexible in her consultancy approach and we were able to change direction on certain projects in order to add the most value to the business and see quick results.”

Graham Richards

Group Managing Director

Accredited “fit for purpose” workforce development

BBOPEx Solutions offers an accredited “fit for purpose” workforce development approach designed to help businesses build a more engaged team, driving business growth and success. We work with clients to identify specific skill gaps and develop customized training programs in partnership with accredited providers to ensure the highest quality training aligned with industry best practices.

SCeXcellence Platform

BBOpEx Solutions is an ASCM Accredited Consulting Partner offering APICS certifications and training. Their Supply Chain Excellence platform equips individuals with supply chain knowledge and offers comprehensive resources in strategic planning, risk management, and more. The platform provides the necessary skills to manage and optimize any supply chain process, as well as national and international credentials. By joining the platform, individuals can unlock their organization’s full potential as a supply chain practitioner.

Transformational Coaching

Transformational Coaching is focused on enabling self-actualization and increasing a coaching client’s effectiveness, performance, personal development and growth. Our coaching model helps define goals and create an action plan to achieve them, acknowledge issues, attitudes, and habits.

Clients become better versions of themselves by understanding their belief system, removing limiting beliefs, developing competencies, identity and conflict management skills.

We provide clients with a thinking partner to investigate and reveal underlying patterns of operation that could be inhibiting success, as well as powerful conversations to generate self-generated insights into business dilemmas, problems, details plans and career options.

KnowingBeingDoing® coaching promotes self-awareness and goal achievement by driving accountability back to the client.

It is targeted at Young Professionals looking for personal growth & career coaching, Business Owners & Entrepreneurs seeking advisory & mentorship, those seeking relationship building in the workplace, or individuals focused on their future aspirations.

What Others Have To Say

Unlocking Youth Potential with our KnowingBeingDoing® programs 


When you ‘KNOW’ who you are, You can ‘BE’ who you are and ‘DO’ great exploits! 

We care about empowering individuals and teams to reach their full potential, and we also offer Youth Coaching and Development Programs for Adolescent Boys, Young Men, Adolescent Girls, and Young Women.

“Good morning Mrs/Ms Glenda. I trust you well. I would like to thank you for all the advice you have given me, not to forget the assessment you allowed me to partake in. I am now clear on where I should steer in terms of my career and work life.”

Sayeed Hoosein

“I write this email to let you know that I’ve completed my P1 & P2 and I got good results and I’m graduating in September. I also wanted to let you know that I’m now a Junior Software developer at CLX. All thanks to you, your kindness and your guidance. Thank you for the opportunity you gave me and for assisting me to find who I wanna be. Currently at CLX we completed Velle Virtual village which was a success and Now we are working on Velle Hams again. I’m sure Andrew is also happy to see us carry forward his architect. If you get time next week let’s organize a teams meeting I want to bring something to your attention. Thank you.”

Twalani Makhubele

“When I started at BBOpEx, I was very reserved and unsure of myself. Glenda took me under her wing, and mentored me in my career and personal life. Glenda helped me get an interview with the company that I am at now. Today I am a Junior Supply Chain Management Consultant.”

Junior Mira

“I would like to take this opportunity to show my gratitude for what you, the ASCM and TB/HIV team have done for all of us, the ladies in the Dream Chasers group. It is funny to think when we came up with the name ‘Dream Chasers’ we were not sure what that meant to us. The true meaning came into reality as you allowed us to showcase ourselves and to find the potential within ourselves. Thank you for helping us chase our dreams and reminding us that we can be more than what society perceives about us, young African ladies.”

Sinethemba Msomi

What Others Have To Say

Entrepreneur Internship Experience – KnowingBeingDoing® High Impact & Mentoring

“During my internship with BBOPEX, I was able to advance my business skills particularly in networking with different stakeholders such as CEOs of SMMEs and those of established large corporates, not as an employee but as a service provider who is able to bring more. I particularly found the independence to handle projects to be useful in improving my ability to work throughout all levels from Operators to CEOs, not just reporting and presenting but also interacting at an intellectual level. This is a skill that will definitely help me as I grow my business.”

Your contributions made a difference in my life, and I have grown wiser and stronger, I have become a fledging business owner. I am a professional coach, I have been Certified in Logistics Transport and Distribution. Through all my personal challenges you never saw me less as but I believe it showed you that I can work with heart and skill.

Lerato Thabede

Managing Director, Deffinity Training Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Transformational Coaching help me?

Yes, the great transformational coaching question is therefore, “Who do you choose to be?” and what makes the process transformational is learning and doing what it takes to grow into the embodiment of that choice in being.

Return2SELF coaching helps drive accountability back to the client by promoting self-awareness with a strong focus on goal achievement.

What is Transformational Coaching?

In simple terms, transformational coaching is focused on enabling self-actualization.

All transformation is change, but not all change is transformation. As Alice said in her Wonderland experience, “at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.”

“Transformational coaching involves interactions with a coach for the purpose of increasing a coaching client’s effectiveness, performance, personal development, and growth.”

The great transformational coaching question is therefore, “Who do you choose to be?” and what makes the process transformational is learning and doing what it takes to grow into the embodiment of that choice in being.

Return2SELF coaching helps drive accountability back to the client by promoting self-awareness with a strong focus on goal achievement.

Does Return2SELF have any accreditations?

Yes, Return2SELF is accredited with the following partners:

  • Contribution Compass
  • Transformation Coaching Academy
  • International Coaches Register 
  • Integrative Enneagram
What will Transformational Coaching help me achieve?

People will still bring their personal goals, objectives, and high dreams to the table in transformational coaching conversations; however, both coach and client are aware that those function as the context for the deeper dive within, and are not the end game in themselves. The driving question remains grounded in a choice in being: Who do I need to be in order for my goals or dreams to become a reality? The ‘becoming’ process is the transformational path, and the end game is the embodiment of higher than realized levels of existence.

Our coaching will help you define your goals and create an action plan to achieve them, acknowledge your issues, attitude, and habits. You will become a better version of yourself by understanding your belief system, removing limiting beliefs, developing competencies, identity, and conflict management skills. Return2SELF coaches will help you return to the best version of yourself, your true SELF.

Can Coaching help with depression?

Firstly, Depression is a complex mental illness that manifests itself in many different ways. Some people with depression have trouble taking care of everyday tasks while others feel sad and hopeless, even though they appear to have everything under control. There are many ways to treat depression, including medication and therapy.

Depression can be physically and emotionally tiring, which is why many people fall into a cycle of exhaustion. Medications can mask these emotions, whereas life coaching forces you to look at things from a different perspective, make positive changes in your life and truly fight the symptoms of depression. 

Together, with your life coach, you will work on improving self-esteem, changing your outlook on life and overcoming the obstacles you are facing. All these things work together to give you better balance and mental clarity, counteracting some of the symptoms of depression. Through your life coaching sessions, you will also gain motivation to set and follow through with healthy goals.

Can Coaching help with anxiety?

Yes, our Coaching techniques for anxiety are most helpful to people who are experiencing anxiety in relation to current life events and have not been significantly debilitated by the experience.

Unlike therapists, we can’t provide clinical treatment to conditions such as depression and anxiety. However, our techniques, methodologies, and the kind of problems we solve for our clients results in lowering stress, managing emotions, reducing anxiety, negative thinking patterns, improve relationship skills (personal or professional), or improvement in overall well-being.

Both therapy and coaching can be powerful interventions for anxiety.

All this is an evident part of mental health. We cannot ignore that fact. And yes, coaching helps you build-up confidence, empowers a soul for being thoughtful positively, in a way it should be for growth. When an individual feels low or divided into pieces, at that period getting personalized support of a professional coach is like a blessing. Since a coach knows how to drive that individual to a state where he or she is ably in a state to make decisions that are good for them.

Maximize Efficiency with Change Management

Looking for a super good change management strategy that can enhance your organization’s productivity and efficiency?

Look no further! Change management is a crucial process for any company looking to make significant changes. With the right approach and support, organizations can achieve successful change management and create a positive change to their business.

Change management is not always easy, but it’s incredibly important. Effective change management can improve employee morale, increase efficiency, improve product quality, and enhance the company’s reputation. Without the right strategy, companies may experience resistance to change, which can lead to setbacks and failure.

As a change management expert, I can tell you that building a strong leadership team, providing effective communication, and identifying and managing resistance in a positive way are important aspects of managing change. Offering employee training and support, and regularly evaluating the change management process to measure its effectiveness are also crucial.

Investing in change management may seem daunting at first, but it can lead to significant long-term benefits for your company. Don’t let resistance to change hold your business back! Make the investment in change management today and reap the benefits of a more productive and efficient organization. Trust us, for the fact that it comes from a man…it’s super good! Contact us now for the best change management strategies.

Ready to Grow?

Get in Touch

Contact Info

Email: pfe@bbopex.co.za
WhatsApp:  0813091175

Physical Address

Section 40, Block 6, Constantia Square Office Park, 526 16th Rd, Randjespark, Midrand, 1685

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